Arturo Vaine

Software Developer

Certified Developer, Full Stack Web Development at Trybe.

Web Development | Data Analysis
Main stacks:
Git, Node.js, JavaScript, React, MySQL ; Python, Pandas

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About Me

My introduction

Developer | Web Full Stack & Data Analysis

• 3 years of experience in Data Analysis and Web Development
• Certification Full Stack Web Development from Trybe;
• Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering at UTFPR; visiting student at INSA de Lyon
• Fellow LIF-7 RAEng ; 7th cohort of the LIF program of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK)

I'm a Mechanical Engineer with 3 years experience in Data Analysis (Pandas/Python), Web Development (Front-end) w/ HTML, CSS, Javascript; and Product Development Process/Agile Methodologies (Design Thinking, Kanban, Scrum). In 2019 I started to design at SIMEPAR the data workflow of pioneer project of monitoring dams in Paraná state. The Brumadinho dam disaster (jan/2019), in the state of Minas Gerais, created a sense of urgency for a greater national monitoring and dam inspection.

In 2021 I joined the 7th cohort of LIF Programme at the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng-UK). "LIF is a training and mentoring course for leading technology entrepreneurs from Newton Fund partner countries. It is run by the RAEng in partnership with local organisations." I have been selected from a competitive field of applicants based on the novelty, technical credibility and commercial potential of the submited innovation and its potential to make a positive contribution to social and economic development.


Most recent projects

Wallet - Expense Tracker

CRUD App for expenses control, with automatic currency conversion via API. Evaluative project, carried out individually, using Redux for state management. Content populated via external API conversion.

Recipes App

Recipe and drink consultation app, with filtering functions, favorites, ingredient checklist marking. Application constructed in 4-person-group, to evaluate React Hooks content and state management via Context API. Content populated via external APIs: and

Talker Manager API

API with multiple routes, and GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods for accessing database of speakers, with informations of personal data, dates, ranking. Authentication implemented using token created via JWT. Project carried out using NodeJS, Express and JWT. Content populated via JSON.

20+ Completed


Awards and Acknowledgements

2021    ·    LIF-7 Fellow - Leadership Programme, Royal Academy of Engineering (UK)

2019    ·    2nd place - Global Legal Hackathon - OAB-PR (Team: Vous)

2018    ·    1st place - Ozires Silva Award for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (11th edition)

2017    ·    3rd place - Perfumathon: Hackathon of Perfumery O Boticário (Team: Epic)

2016    ·    Finalist - Hackathon SENDI/COPEL (Hack'nergy Team)

2013    ·    BRAFITEC Scholarship (Brazil France Ingénieur Technologie)

2010    ·    3rd place - UTFPR Cultural Contest - University Centenary Celebration

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Curitiba, PR - Brazil